The Summit is a bi-annual meeting for the fluid power industry and academic researcher collaborators in the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. The Summit connects industry to university resources and talent through technical presentations, networking opportunities, facility tours of the host university, and special features. To conclude the event, the Summit offers a closed-door meeting of the CCEFP Industry Engagement Committee (IEC).
Presentations from the Fall 2019 Summit can be accessed here:
This page is available to consortium members only and is password protected. Contact Alyssa Burger for password.
CCEFP Summit at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
October 22-24, 2019
The Summit is a bi-annual meeting for the fluid power industry and academic researcher collaborators in the Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power. The Summit connects industry to university resources and talent through technical presentations, networking opportunities, facility tours of the host university, and special features. To conclude the event, the Summit offers a closed-door meeting of the CCEFP Industry Engagement Committee (IEC).
3:00 PM DOE Technologist-In-Residence (TIR) Program Kickoff
- TIR Program Overview & Objectives, Technical Opportunities, National Lab capabilities
- Development of a TIR Industry Engagement Plan
- Identification of key topics of interest
- NDAs
- Plan for company visits
5:00 PM Adjourn
6:00 PM Reception & Dinner
7:30 AM Welcoming Remarks and breakfast
8:00 AM Pumps, Motors, and Valves Efficiency Improvements
- Efficient, Compact, and Smooth Variable Propulsion Motor. Jim Van de Ven, U of Minnesota
- Hydraulic Ankle Foot Orthosis for Prescription of Orthoses for Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP). Will Durfee, U of Minnesota
- High Efficiency Hydraulic Pump-Motors Employing Partial Stroke Piston Pressurization. Tom Chase, U of Minnesota
- High Performance Piezoelectric Pneumatic Proportional Valve. Tom Chase, U of Minnesota
10:00 AM Break
10:30 AM Fluid and Electric Power Integration
- Seamless Electric to Hydraulic Conversion. Eric Severson, U of Wisconsin-Madison, and Jim Van de Ven, U of Minnesota
- Individual Electro-Hydraulic Actuators for Off-road Machines. Andrea Vacca, Purdue
- Hybrid Hydraulic-Electric Architecture for Mobile Machines. Perry Li, U of Minnesota
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Coatings and Fluids Efficiency Improvements
- Polymer-Enhanced Fluid Effects on Mechanical Efficiency of Hydraulic Pumps. Paul Michael, MSOE and Ashlie Martini, UCA-Merced
- Dynamics of Rolling Friction in Soft-Rigid Interface-Wu, Gao. Michael Varenberg, GeorgiaTech
- Novel Coatings for Advanced Fluid Power Systems. Invited Presenter: Osman Levent Eryilmaz, Argonne National Lab.
- Additives (VIIs) and Base Fluid Design for Enhanced Mechanical Efficiency of Hydraulic Fluids (Invited Presenter: Lelia Cosimbescu, Pacific Northwest Lab)
3:30 PM University of Wisconsin-Madison Lab and Facility Tours
- WEMPEC Overview
- Intelligent Integration of Motor and Engine Sage Kokjohn, U of Wisconsin-Madison
6:30 PM Networking Dinner at Steenbocks
7:30 AM Continental breakfast, welcome
7:45 AM Fluid Power Energy Conversion & Storage
- Increasing the Efficiency of Wind Turbines through Understanding of their Transient Responses. Kim Stelson, U of Minnesota
- Distributed Compact Hydraulic Regenerative Braking for Heavy Duty Transport Vehicles. Jose Garcia, Purdue
- Modeling and Optimization of Trajectory-Based HCCI Combustion. Zongxuan Sun, U of Minnesota
- Overview of OrNL’s Combustion Portfolio Relevant to Fluid Power. Invited Presenter: Jim Szybist, Oak Ridge National Lab
10:00 AM IEC Closed-Door Meeting
12:00 PM Adjourn, box lunches to go
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Engineering Hall
Cheney Room EH1413
1415 Engineering Drive
Madison, WI 53706
Tuesday, October 22 Wisconsin Union Memorial Union
800 Langdon St,
Madison, WI 53706 |
Wednesday, October 23 Steenbocks 330 N. Orchard St Madison, WI 53705 |
Please REGISTER for the CCEFP Summit by Friday, October 11, 2019.
Registration rates:
CCEFP Industry Members: $395
NFPA Pascal Society Members & Other Guests: $445
Media: $195
Faculty, staff, and students* $0
*Research project must be represented or presented, otherwise, should register as “Other Guest”
Hotel Accommodations
Doubletree Inn
525 W Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Negotiated Rate: $179/night
Includes shuttle to/from local airport, free parking, shuttle to/from UWM for event.
Make e-Reservations. Group Code: CCE.
Deadline September 30, 2019
Hampton Inn & Suites Madison Downtown
440 West Johnson Street
Madison, WI 53703
Negotiated Rate: $179/night
Reservations: Call direct at 608-255-0360. Ask for CCEFP Summit group block.
Deadline October 4, 2019
For travelers flying into the local airport, traffic to/from campus can be deceiving. Be sure to check GPS services to determine the amount of travel time to/from the airport.
Both recommended hotels, the DoubleTree Inn and the Hampton Inn & Suites, are about 1 mile from campus. Attendees from either hotel are welcome to use the DoubleTree Shuttle to campus.
Drivers to and around campus should reference the UW-Madison map before arriving to the event which provides a visual of all event locations, potential public parking options, and number of parking spots available. A word of caution, parking will be significantly limited in the afternoons.
Public parking options near Engineering Hall:
- Engineering Drive Ramp (Lot 17). 1525 Engineering Drive, Madison, WI
- University Ave Ramp (Lot 20). 1390 University Ave, Madison, WI
- Grainger Hall Garage (Lot 7). 325 N. Brooks Street, Madison, WI
- Observatory Drive Ramp (Lot 36). 1645 Observatory Drive, Madison, WI
Public parking options near Memorial Union:
- Helen C. White Garage (Lot 6). 600 N. Park Street, Madison, WI
- City of Madison State Street Campus Garage, 430 N. Frances Street / 415 N. Lake Street, Madison, WI
- UW-Madison-Guest. Guests on campus may use the guest network at no charge.
- eduroam. Academic visitors from institutions that participate in the eduroam network may sign-in by using the full email address and affiliated password to login to eduroam.
Alyssa Burger, Administrator
alyssa at umn dot edu