
The Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (aka CCEFP or “the Center”) is a network of fluid power research laboratories, academic faculty, graduate and undergraduate students at seven U.S. universities. The Center’s vision is make fluid power the technology of choice for power generation, transmission, storage, and motion control applications. It pursues this vision by focusing on two key objectives:

  • Driving a pre-competitive research strategy focused on industry needs that leverages fluid power’s inherent strengths and eliminates or substantially reduces its key technical barriers. The CCEFP seeks to transfer its research discoveries to industry so that they can be commercialized and bring transformational changes in fluid power’s current and future markets.
  • Educating a growing pipeline of university students in fluid power, connecting many to positions in industry where their knowledge can be used to create new and better products, and connecting others to academia where they can educate the next generation of fluid power engineers.