Submit Research Ideas

CCEFP Research Collaborators are invited to submit your idea, need, and/or technical challenge to the CCEFP.  Faculty leaders will review submissions and propose strategic partnerships for the best opportunity for success.

Caution:  Do not disclose any proprietary information regarding your project or solution at this time.


Email Address:
I am a CCEFP research collaborator Yes
Provide a detailed description of your idea/need/technical challenge.
Provide a bit of background on idea/need/challenge. What benefits are expected to be delivered?
Describe the role of the research institution in addressing the idea/need/challenge.
Describe the role of the sponsoring organization in addressing the idea/need/challenge.
Feel free to upload supporting documentation. Combine multiple files into one.
What is the ideal time-frame for this project start and completion? 6 months
1 year
2 years
More than 2 years
What is your project budget relevant to the scope of work and time-frame? <$25,000
$25,000 – $50,000
$50,000 – $75,000
$75,000 – $100,000
I understand that I am submitting a fluid power research request to CCEFP for the purposes of vetting an idea/need/challenge as a potential sponsored project. CCEFP will evaluate the proposal, recommend a research team of academics and possible industry collaborators. The CCEFP will keep details in confidence and will not disclose the content of the submission. CCEFP leadership will only invite other participants to the discussion with permission from the submitting organization. I agree